How would you handle this scenario?
Boy, it’s been a rough day. You had a disagreement with a colleague, then you battled traffic to get to the grocery store to buy dinner, where the lines were long and your patience was short. You finally make it home, walk in the door and find ….World War III has erupted in your kitchen.
Your son is clearly being difficult and his sister is already in tears. Who knows what caused it all. Could be avoidance of homework. Being told no. Boredom. Distraction. Does it really matter?
He has poured his drink on his sister’s head, and she is no longer trying to control her own emotions…she’s done!
All eyes look to you for guidance.
You falter. Does a lump form in your throat? Do your fists clench? Why tonight?
Trying to remain calm, you set the groceries down and get a dishcloth to pat your daughter’s head dry, drawing her close for a reassuring hug.
Your son’s yelling has stopped, but he glowers at you. Why is he so mad?
You quickly measure your options.
Do you…
A) Go and hide under your comforter for the rest of the evening
B) Yell at your son and impose an immediate consequence
C) Try to treat his behavior with understanding and action (like all the parenting books say)
“As the mum of three wonderful teens/young adults, two of whom have ADHD, I have done many things in an effort to help.
But signing up for PSS with ImpactADHD® has been the SINGLE BEST thing I have done! I was getting help from people who only know ADHD at an intellectual level, without any structure for support. Now, I feel much better. I am more confident in the way I am responding (and not responding). Thank you. This is a blessing.“
– Rosie E, British Columbia
“My mom gifted me a membership in PSS and Sanity School, which I’ve been in for over a year now. What a gift! It has taught me a lot. It helped to listen in on calls and see that others were having the same “issues” we were. It’s made me feel not alone, which is huge when you’re raising differently wired kids. Because of your tools I was able to identify ADHD in my other son, too, and now have help for both of my kiddos. I didn’t know it could look so different. Thank you for all you do. You all are changing lives.” - Kacey H

You want to be able to choose option C!
But let's be serious -- staying calm in the face of so much pressure is near impossible when you have your own stuff going on too?
Whether you're stressed, frustrated, scared, exhausted, lonely, or worried about your kid, fight or flight is a natural reaction here – staying calm, cool and collected is not easy.
And the worst part? This is such a regular occurrence that you’d think you’d have effective coping strategies by now – but nope.
In fact, all too often it feels like your life has been taken over!
There are many thoughts and feelings that you might have ...
FEAR – “I’m afraid for the future. What if he never makes it through school? What if he can never hold down a job and is still living at home when he’s 40?!”
EXHAUSTION – “I feel like I’m permanently fighting or running on a treadmill. No matter what I try, it doesn't seem to help."
CONFUSION – “There are so many people out there trying to give me advice. None of it seems to work. I have no idea where to turn or what to do that will help.”
JUDGEMENT – “I can feel people’s eyes on me. They must be thinking I’m a terrible parent.”
FRUSTRATION & ANGER – “I am so annoyed, and it doesn't take much for me to lose my cool completely. This is ridiculous. My main communication seems to be yelling.””
FEAR – “I’m afraid for the future. What if he never makes it through school? What if he can never hold down a job and is still living at home when he’s 40?!”

GUILT – “Is this my fault? Should I be doing something differently as a parent?”
ISOLATION – “I feel so alone. None of my friends understand what I’m going through…not that I have much time to see them, anyway.”
SADNESS –“This isn’t how what I thought things would be. My kids don’t respect me, and they certainly don't care about my feelings.”
SHAME – “What will others think about me as a parent? Are my children’s problems a reflection of me? Have I failed them?”
RESENTMENT – “It's so unfair. Why does this always land on me? I'm tired of giving other people the benefit of the doubt. I just want some help, here. ”
Imagine life when…
- you don't feel like you are trying to move mountains all the time
- homework assignments don't create World War III
- your kids are motivated to turn in their schoolwork — on time
- your teen's behavior is genuinely respectful
- you have the tools to teach your kids to manage their challenging issues
- your kids turn to you for help with their problems, instead of taking them out on you
Rediscover the Joy of Being Your Child's Parent!

Here's how.
There are effective ways to help your kids learn to manage the complex issues they are facing.
And truly - these methods are not complicated.
But this may surprise you: they are focused on the parent, and based on shifting communication with your complex kids.
To be sure, medications can help for some kids; but it is not complete treatment, even when it works great.
In fact, the research is clear -- when medicine is complemented by behavioral treatments, parent training improves its effectiveness (and reduces the amount needed). And besides, the meds don’t work 24 hours a day, right?! You still gotta deal with before and after!
The change you're looking for happens when you begin to parent differently, bit by bit. When you become less angry and frustrated, and begin to look at what is going well, instead of just what isn't. When you focus on the progress, and become more connected -- the entire family dynamic will change.
There are some parents who have mastered this approach to parent – big time — with kids from pre-school through college — kids with ADHD, anxiety, LD, and related challenges. They have learned the strategies and tools to help you calm yourself, and empower even the most complex kid.
We can share this approach with you – show you how to manage your child’s behavior in a way that keeps their self-esteem in tact. And we can support you while you practice and figure things out.
Hi, we’re Elaine and Diane,
Educators and Parent Coaches
We’re the founders of the award winning ImpactADHD® — and parents to six complex kids between our two families.
When complex challenges first entered our lives many years ago, there wasn’t very much help available for us as parents. As moms, we were committed to finding workable solutions. We searched extensively, and tried a lot of different approaches. But nothing seemed to help very much.
And then we each discovered coaching, which helped us understand that the best solutions actually had more to do with us than with our kids. As coaches, we became much better parents to our complex kids. The skills and strategies from the world of coach worked wonders for our families. And we realized it wasn't rocket science -- it was larglely about better communication and stronger relationships.
We felt as if we had unlocked a great secret.
Coaching completely changed our lives, and we are determined to make it available to parents of complex kids everywhere.
Now, nearly a decade later, we teach parents how to take a coach-approach with their kids – the behind the scenes stuff that really works. We help parents to better understand their kids’ individual needs… and teach them how to communicate more effectively. With a combination of training, coaching and support for parents, the results for children and teens are astonishing.
Not only have we turned things around for our own families, but for thousands of families around the world. We know first-hand what works, what doesn’t, and just how amazing it is to make minor tweaks that get major results.
Our methods have made us highly sought after in the world of complex kids -- those with ADHD, anxiety, learning disabilities, 2E, and more -- and we are frequently approached for guidance and contributions by national resources such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, Attention and ADDitude magazines, and other national press. We published "Parenting ADHD Now!" in 2016, and have a new book coming out, "The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety and More."
Get ready to change your life this year

“Things are really going very well. PSS helped a great deal to bring more calm to our home, which is especially helpful since we have an 18 year old son.”
— Linda C, CA
“I want to say Thank YOU!!! Today's call was great. It really helped me to get clarity on prioritizing.”
— Nan P , WA
The Parent Success System: accessible, affordable and effective.
- Two 60 minute group coaching calls/month with an ImpactADHD® Coach
- Choose a group according to your schedule and the age of your kids
- Training on coaching skills for behavior management
- Individual focus to help you Take Aim on your specific challenges
- Leave each call with a plan of action
- Parenting Success Workbook reinforces the skills and tracks your progress
- Weekly accountability emails keep you on track
- Access to the ImpactADHD® Webinar Library (60+ expert webinars)
- Access recordings of all group coaching calls
- Connect with other parents with kids of similar age
- Private online members group (24/7 access)
- Two "Office Hours" live calls/month with Elaine or Diane
In just 2 hours a month, you can change your family dynamic for a lifetime!
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
(*Parent Success System is a 12 month auto-renewal program)
What is the Coach-Approach?
Research proves that when kids have a champion in their corner, it makes for better performance and a better life.
The coach-approach helps parents learn to champion their complex kids in a constructive, empowering way. To navigate the fine line between guiding your children … and still encouraging independence. To see the best in your kids, and help them reach their full potential. The focus is primarily on learning and improvement, rather than correction and criticism.

The coach-approach offers parents a way to:
- Help kids determine their strengths and motivations so they can feel confident in themselves
- Empower kids to use strategies so they can be more successful
- Teach kids to shift perspectives and get “unstuck” so they can believe in themselves
- Share advice and guidance in a way that kids can hear it, so they can learn from their experiences and mistakes
- Support kids to identify what's important to them, so they can find a successful path in life, work and relationships
- Provide constructive feedback and accountability to help kids grow without feeling embarrassed or ashamed
- Share your values, beliefs and perspectives so you can teach your kids what you think is important
Complex kids face challenges that start in pre-school and go well into their twenties. Below are some examples of how kids' challenges change over time. The Coach-Approach is a model that works for children and teens of ALL ages.

You can experience extraordinary training, coaching and support – get the guidance you need to transform your family -- from the comfort of your car, office or kitchen.
Thousands of parents have already changed their lives with ImpactADHD®'s coach-approach.
After nearly a decade of hosting coaching groups in the Parent Success System, we haven’t yet met a parent who actively participated in the group coaching and didn’t see results. It’s literally impossible to take this program — to get regular training and coaching — and not see significant change in you, and in your child.
We’re 100% confident that this is the best parent training and coaching program available for complex kids that you will find anywhere. So much so that we back it up with a guarantee.
Any parent who wants to improve family life can participate and benefit from this program. It doesn’t matter if you’ve taken other courses to manage your kids challenges, or if you’re a complete newbie to this world. We’ve gone to great lengths to make sure YOU – no matter what level you’re at – will experience nothing less than explosive results with…
The Parent Success System
The Parent Success System was carefully designed to give you maximum support without overwhelming you, so that you and your child can achieve optimum results. It helps you handle challenging circumstances when they occur with as much grace as possible. You will learn to teach your kids self-management, and ultimately guide them to take control of their own challenging issues over time, as appropriate.
Meeting in small groups, twice monthly, in coach-led phone sessions, we will tackle a new topic each session. You will address specific issues you are struggling with in your family at that time.
As a PSS member, you will:
- get tremendous help in the daily management of your child’s challenges
- hear what works for other parents and get new ideas from your coach
- develop a skill set of targeted strategies to use for specific situations
PSS calls combine Training, Coaching and Support. On each call, each participant:
- identifies an area of challenge
- gets clear on what more needs to be learned or understood
- learns a specific coaching skill to practice
- considers options for addressing the challenge
- leaves with a commitment to action
To prepare for each coaching call, your workbook will guide you to identify a specific challenge area to focus on during each call, such as:
- Getting Started on Homework
- Getting Kids to Bed on Time
- Creating Effective Chore Charts
- Dealing with Sibling Squabbles
- Snarky Teenage Behaviors
- Handling “Don’t Worry, I’ve Got It”
- Fostering Independence in Schoolwork
- Turning Specific Chores into Routines
…and so many more
Designed for maximum Impact: Learn parent management strategies that will help you handle family life with calm and confidence!

It's simpler than you think to manage your child’s complex issues with calm and confidence.
Our commitment to parents

Truth be told, you probably want your kids’ challenges to just go away, and we wish we could tell you we could make that happen. But, that's not the real world, and we want to be clear and honest with you. You can't make it go away, but you can make your current reality work for your family.
What you need is right in front of you:
Reduced stress in your home as you learn strategies to stay calm, set the tone, and discover new ways to address old problems, like homework and life struggles.
Re-connect with the loving family you know is there – under all that frustration.
The Parent Success System will arm you with the most fundamental knowledge, targeted tools and effective strategies to make managing your complex kid easier and less stressful. Perhaps more importantly, it will give you a partner in the process -- experienced coaches and other parents also on this journey, so you won't be going through it alone.
Our commitment to affordability
Joining the Parent Success System is $147/month*
That’s less than the cost of a daily Starbucks latte for a month.
When you invest in yourself, you can make a huge difference for your kid. Maybe it’s time to make your own french press coffee and commit to the change that will make your life — and your kids’ life — feel manageable and peaceful. Do something for you to keep your kids on the road to success. Your sanity and well being, and your kid’s self-esteem and future success, are connected.
Time for a no BS moment, Parent to Parent:
PSS is a program that actually works in the real world. It's an enormous amount of support -- 4 hours of live calls a month plus so much more -- for less than half the cost of a single 50 minute private-pay therapy session.
"After the last 11 years of trying to "figure out" what's going on for my son, I can honestly say that ImpactADHD® is the first resource that I felt really got what we were/are experiencing and gave me real, tangible tools. You helped me "single parent" my son over the past 3 years while my husband was deployed. Thanks so much for all that you guys do — it is very much appreciated. Thanks for helping me find solutions."
— Sara C, CA
“Joining the ImpactADHD® community has empowered me and validated my desire to parent my ADHD child to the best of my ability. With the Parent Success System, I am now gratefully tapped into a community of parents and experts who understand and are making a difference in my life and my family’s life.”
— Suzann K
"For me the value of the PSS goes beyond the strategies/ tactics I have learned. Knowing that I am not alone in the parenting challenges of complex kids is more comforting that I expected. I have found my tribe. It isn't one I expected to join, but it is an amazingly safe and supportive place."
-- Mia J, VA
"Bringing some of the issues and struggles into complete awareness is key to this program. Once you're aware of the behaviors, it's easier to put plans together to overcome the challenges. I may not do it "right" all the time, but at least now I know how it should go and feel better equipped to handle difficult situations."
-- Dianna B, CA
Here’s the Bottom Line:
- Whether your child is taking medications for ADHD, anxiety or ODD– or any other issues — there is no magic pill for success. It takes skills to learn to manage and master living with complex issues long-term.
- Learning strategies that work while connecting with other parents will help you feel calm and confident. You’ll know what to do, and more importantly — how to do it. And you’ll know you’re not alone.
- When you have a group of parents and a coach on your team, you won’t feel avalanched by the challenges. Your path for supporting your child will become clearer, and a more peaceful home will be the first step on that journey.
The absolute bottom line? You wouldn’t still be reading this if you didn’t want to do something. If you still aren’t sure that this is the right program for you or your family, send an email to and we will reach out to you. Let us help you figure out how we can help, so you can become the parent you really want to be for your complex kids!
Get ready to change your life this year

“Things are really going very well. PSS helped a great deal to bring more calm to our home, which is especially helpful since we have an 18 year old son.”
— Linda C, CA
“I want to say Thank YOU!!! Today's call was great. It really helped me to get clarity on prioritizing.”
— Nan P , WA
The Parent Success System: accessible, affordable and effective.
- Two 60 minute group coaching calls/month with an ImpactADHD® Coach
- Choose a group according to your schedule and the age of your kids
- Training on coaching skills for behavior management
- Individual focus to help you Take Aim on your specific challenges
- Leave each call with a plan of action
- Parenting Success Workbook reinforces the skills and tracks your progress
- Weekly accountability emails keep you on track
- Access to the ImpactADHD® Webinar Library (60+ expert webinars)
- Access recordings of all group coaching calls
- Connect with other parents with kids of similar age
- Private online members group (24/7 access)
- Two "Office Hours" live calls/month with Elaine or Diane
In just 2 hours a month, you can change your family dynamic for a lifetime!
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
(*Parent Success System is a 12 month auto-renewal program)
Got questions? Here is what we most commonly get asked:
Q. How is this different from ImpactADHD®’s other programs?
A: This is an in-depth group program. We have compiled the absolute strongest knowledge, tools, techniques and strategies to help you adopt the coach-approach with your child, and combined it with a structure to help you put it into practice. It is as effective for a newbie to the world of complex kids as it is for seasoned veterans who want to brush up on things; truly, any parent with a complex child is welcome. We have made it our focus to ensure that this program hits on the most important things a parent of any complex kid needs to know. No messing around – we get right to the point!
Q. What age kids is this for?
A: If you have a kid who is pre-school age through early twenties, this program will work for you (and we’ll place you in a group, accordingly). The sooner you teach your kids to manage their behavior, the better. It breaks our hearts when parents of older teens come to us desperate for help, afraid that it’s too late. It’s not. It works for everyone, though we gotta admit, the earlier you start, the easier it is to get the results you really want, for you and your kids!
Q. How much does it cost?
A: The cost of the Parent Success System is $147 per month. We have made every effort to make this as affordable as possible — with the hope that we can reach as many families as possible.
The cost of visiting a private provider is frequently in the region of $200 per hour, and attending a conference frequently adds up to hundreds or thousands of dollars (depending on location). Either way, for the information you’ll get in a program like this, and the ongoing support that comes with it for the year, you could end up paying thousands of dollars with a private provider. The Parent Success System is a more modest investment for the same quality training you’d receive at a conference or in a private provider's office. Given that you can learn from home, you don’t have to worry about childcare costs (or the stress of leaving your complex child at home!), travel costs or traffic woes, this is a much more efficient and effective investment of your time and money!
Q. How long is each session, and when do they meet?
A: Each group coaching session is roughly 1 hour each. We offer many sessions throughout the week, at different times day and night, and targeting different age-groups. You will be able to choose a group that works for your schedule. In addition to the group coaching calls, we hold "Office Hours" twice a month (one hour each), so you will have access to a coach 4x/month.
Q. Why is it a year-long program?
A: After years of trying different things, we have landed on the length of program that consistently delivers the best results for kids and parents. While many of our members participate in PSS groups for years because they love the ongoing support, a 12 month commitment is designed to give you the training and support you need to change things for the long term.
We’ve learned from experience that complex issues don’t go away overnight — quick fixes get very limited results, and long-term success takes a little time. We’ve also figured out that our kids issues show up in various ways all year round. Since we parents face different challenges during the summer months than during the school year, we’ve found that consistent support and guidance year-round leads to better, lasting results. You’ll see big changes in the first couple of months, you’ll start feeling a lot more peace about half-way through, and we guarantee that by the year end, you’ll feel as though the skies the limit for your kid!
Q. Who are Elaine and Diane?
A: Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster are parenting coaches and mothers who happen to have 6 kids with ADD/ADHD and a number of other related issues between their two families.
When their kids were younger, the kind of support that would have helped them was not available. This inspired them to co-found ImpactADHD, as they recognised a huge need for support that makes a real difference. They hope that no parent ever has to go through this alone – not when they know they can do something to help!
Q. My child has not been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Can I still attend?
A: Yup! We welcome parents of what we like to call “complex” kids – children with ADHD or related challenges. 70% of kids with ADD have a number of different co-existing issues, and these strategies work for all of them. So whether ADHD is suspected, diagnosed, or not even likely, if you have a “complex” kid, you probably know what we mean – and this is definitely for you.
Q. If I don’t find this useful, is there a guarantee?
A: We do this because we love seeing parents and their kids succeed. It is an extraordinary experience to watch parents transform their families and empower their kids. And we are 100% committed to your success. If you take the action steps presented in this program, show up for all the calls, and implement a minimum of three strategies, but you still don’t feel you are seeing the benefit, then we will work with you 1-on-1 to figure out what’s missing and what it will take to help you get results. If that still doesn’t work, after three months you may end your agreement, and we’ll still let you keep all the bonuses! For your convenience, your monthly membership will continue after twelve months until you direct us to stop payments (email Your commitment is important to the success of this program and there are no refunds for non-participation.

Profound change made simple
When you call in or listen to the sessions, you will learn tools that offer you the power to change everything. You will be astonished at how two hours a month can change your family life for the long haul, in magical ways.

Designed for busy parents
We know you’re busy! You will inevitably miss some sessions along the way, and that’s fine-- in fact, we expect that. Simply catch up with the recordings (like a podcast) whenever you can. We designed this so that if you only use HALF the amazing features and strategies we include, you will still experience a tremendous improvement in your family… for a lifetime!

From parents – to parents!
Our personal understanding of what it’s really like to have kids with multiple challenges is at the heart of our coaching. We understand what you are going through, and know that big changes lie ahead for you AND your whole family.
(*Parent Success System is a 12 month auto-renewal program)